The Historical Preservation Society of Upper Township NJ Inc.

Gift Shop

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Gandy House - C.1815

~ "A History of Upper Township and Its Villages" ~ [# HPB01] @ $10.00
~ "Upper Twp Memories: Residents' ... Survey" ~ [# HPB02] @ $5.00
~ "The Postal History of Cape May County" ~ [# HPB03] @ $10.00
~ Featuring the Tuckahoe Railroad Station ~ [# HPM04] @ $6.00
~ TRAIN WHISTLE, Wooden, real-sounding ~ [# HPX08] @ $2.00
~ Weather Stick [hand-crafted in VT - devines the weather] ~ [# HPX10] @ $5.00 
~ Grape Jam [from Gandy Farmstead grapes] 6oz jar ~ [# HPX09] @ $3.00
~ T-Shirt, AppleFest @ Gandy House ~ [# HPX07] @ $5.00
         (Assorted sizes and colors)
You will find the shelves loaded with delightful gift items - US-made 19th century natural wood toys, dominos, jacks, tops, propellors, Jacobs' ladder, thaumatropes, and many more educational items.
Shopping opportunities and gift-giving are ongoing pleasures - for birthdays, anniversaries, et al.  The Museum Gift Shop, located in the Gandy House, is open during Open House days or other scheduled events, or call Sonia [628-3041] or Ebbie [390-7443], who are sure to accommodate you in your shopping needs.
<|>These Items and prices are available at our restored locations, when open or by appointment, and also at each of our scheduled events.  A mail order system is in the planning stage -- watch for its appearance in these pages.
<|>In the interim, you may order by letter & phone call.  Write us a letter, listing the desired item(s) and price(s), and CALL 609-390-5656, give your phone number & MSG, to discuss Shipping and Handling (S&H) fees, upon receipt of your check for the total amount, mailed to HPSOUTNJ, POBox 658, Marmora, NJ 08223-0658,  your order will be mailed to your address.